XPheres™ Microspheres

Endovascular Interventions

Biodegradable QXMédical XPheres™ microspheres are the next-generation embolics designed to address the evolving needs in the field of embolization therapy with a focus on TAE, TACE and MSK.

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Product Specs at a Glance

XPheres™ Microspheres are designed to address problems with current embolization technologies, such as

  • Non-targeted embolization
  • Chronic inflammatory response
  • Unpredictable recanalization
  • Liver/biliary injuries
  • Reduced arterial patency

About this product

QXMédical's XPheres™ Microspheres are the next-generation embolics designed to address the evolving needs in the field of embolization, interventional radiology and oncology. Based on technology invented by clinicians and researchers at the University of Minnesota, XPheres™ microspheres are made from naturally occurring organic polymers for maximum biocompatibility. The product's unique chemistry and formulation allow the microspheres to degrade once the therapeutic benefit has been obtained. The super absorbent microspheres are supplied in a variety of sizes for numerous clinical applications uncluding TAE, TACE and MSK.


About this product

QXMédical's XPheres™ Microspheres are the next-generation embolics designed to address the evolving needs in the field of embolization, interventional radiology and oncology. Based on technology invented by clinicians and researchers at the University of Minnesota, XPheres™ microspheres are made from naturally occurring organic polymers for maximum biocompatibility. The product's unique chemistry and formulation allow the microspheres to degrade once the therapeutic benefit has been obtained. The super absorbent microspheres are supplied in a variety of sizes for numerous clinical applications uncluding TAE, TACE and MSK.


Where to buy

XPheres™ Microspheres are not yet approved for sale in the U.S.A. or other regions.

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Disclaimer: Products listed may not be available in all markets. As with all medical devices, please refer to the Instructions for Use. Prescription only. Caution: USA Federal Law restricts the sale, distribution, or use of these devices to, by, or on the order of a physician.